How To Calm The Itching And Sneezing
Allergies are fairly widespread, though there are some who fail to realize how troubling their symptoms can really be. Rather than letting allergy triggers control your life, learn how to control your symptoms and get your life back! Continue reading to learn how to keep symptoms at bay.
If you purchase any type of antihistamine for allergy purposes, be sure that you test it first. Most of these products have ingredients that could make you sleepy or disturb your reflexes. Even if the package doesn’t have any warnings, make sure that when you use it the first time, you can stay at home and not have to drive.
When it’s nice outside, you might want to open your windows to save on your cooling costs. But, doing so could exacerbate your allergies. A HEPA filter on your air conditioner can help prevent allergens from entering your home. It might not be as fresh as fresh air, but your breathing will improve.
Ventilate bathrooms in your house well by opening windows, so that mold has less of a chance to grow. These allergens are at home in warm, damp conditions. Keep wet towels and washcloths hung on bars, and turn on a fan after showering. You can open any window to encourage air circulation if your bathroom doesn’t have a fan.
It is not uncommon for your own body to be a culprit in your allergy attacks. It’s true! During your day as you are out and about, allergens like molds and dust can attach to your hair and clothing. At night, as you retire into bed, your airways can be affected by these items. Before going to bed, take a shower to wash off all the allergens so you can wake up feeling refreshed.
When exercising outdoors during peak pollen levels, be sure to do so extremely early or extremely late in the day. Pollen counts are lower in the morning and in the late evening.
If you are battling bronchial allergy symptoms, proper hydration is especially important. If you’re not consuming enough fluids, the mucosal membranes can get overly dry or even inflamed. Dehydration also affects your bronchial tubes because it makes your mucosal glands produce secretions which are very difficult to break apart.
It is common for allergy sufferers to hear that they should sleep with a humidifier running in order to keep the air moisturized. If you have a rug or carpet in your room, mold spores can grow there thanks to the humidifier. Instead, use a saline spray prior to bedtime in order to keep your nasal passages moist.
One way to avoid allergies is keeping your car clean and closed at all times. Instead of driving with the top or windows down, use your air-conditioner and keep vents closed to prevent allergens from getting in. Allergen build-up in the upholstery and seats can be avoided if you remember to vacuum them regularly. This can lessen your allergy problems.
What time you exercise and where you are doing it is something that triggers an allergy attack . The more that you work out the harder it is for you to breathe. Make the exercise inside or indoors in early morning or in evening when pollen count is relatively lower to limit the allergens that enter your body.
Allergy sufferers can end up having a reaction from using deodorant products, so choose the product you use with care. Some of them have ingredients that can permeate pores, causing harm to the skin. Ingredients such as these can cause health issues in addition to skin problems.
Always keep any allergy medications with you if you will be traveling. You can’t anticipate what allergens you may come in contact with on your trip. If you have suffered from a serious allergic reaction in the past, you should also bring an Epi-pen with you. An Epi-pen contains a dose of epinephrine that can rapidly treat a life-threatening allergic reaction.
When allergy season is in full swing, try to avoid the use of a lot of hair styling aids, like sprays, gels and mousse. If you spend a lot of time outdoors your hair can be full of pollen and allergens. Unfortunately, hair products are notorious for catching and storing unwanted allergens.
Make sure you are taking your allergy medication as directed by the label (for OTC medication) or your doctor (for prescription medication). Most medications require days of constant use for them to work. If you simply take a pill the first time you sneeze, the treatment will not be effective. Discuss the usage of your medication with a medical professional.
If at all possible, never open your windows during hours in which pollen count is at its highest. Pollen is looking for a place to land. It blows around with the wind and can even fit through those ridiculously tiny holes in your window screen. Pollen count is usually highest between 10:00 in the morning and 3:00 in the afternoon. You can let in the breeze after this time.
For those who have schoolchildren with allergies, make sure you know what to do in case of severe reactions. Ask your pediatrician for a note detailing allergies and potential reactions. You will also want to leave the school with some of the medication, just in case there is an emergency. A list of allergens that are likely to trouble your child can be quite handy. See that the school has one and have your child carry a copy as well.
If it has been a long time since you’ve had a holiday, you may feel like rushing to the first available place! If you have a family member, or you yourself have allergies, it may be a bad vacation. Before picking a place to go, research it and find out about the weather and how high pollen is.
Rather than continuing to suffer from itchy, watery eyes and scratchy throat, coughing, and sneezing, learn how to help yourself. It’s time that you experience some relief from your suffering. Remember to keep using everything from this article to get rid of your allergies once and for all!